Speaking of Rogues Hill, an Andrew Kissel project is back on the market

269 Round Hill Road, purchased for $6.632 million in 2007, was put up for sale today at $5.750. This was originally a spec house put up by the late, unlamented Andrew Kissel, but though his character was defective, I don’t believe his houses were, so that shouldn’t be a problem for a buyer.

Kissel was compiling quite a record of fraud before he was found stabbed to death in his Dairy Road home back in 2006 (our GPD, observing the dozen stab wounds in his back, initially classified it as a suicide, but eventually reached the truth of the matter and in 2008, a couple of Kissel’s employees were arrested and convicted for his murder). He left a number of houses uncompleted when he was called to that workshop in the sky, all of which were foreclosed on and none, I think, finished; they were sold off, and builders started anew.