Related, sort of, to the post below

Facebook goes after the Babylon Bee, again — and again.

Want to hear something crazy? We've earned just $153 from our videos on Facebook this month — despite having an audience of over 1 million — because they flag everything we post as violating "one or more policies." They haven't banned us (not yet, anyway). They just aren't allowing us to reach anyone or make any money.

Now some of you might be thinking, "Well, maybe your videos are terrible and wouldn't make money, anyway."

No, that's stupid. Our videos are amazing. Try again.

"Well, maybe it's time to leave Facebook."

Maybe, but there aren't really any alternatives. Like it or not, Facebook is the public square of the modern age. The vast majority of meaningful discourse takes place on Big Tech platforms. We can leave them in protest (and remove ourselves from conversations that matter), or we can stay and insist on our right to be heard in the public square. It makes no difference that these are privately owned companies. They held themselves out as platforms for free expression, and that's how they got to be as big and domineering as they are. If the law doesn't currently protect our right to be there—and to be treated equally there, without discriminatory restrictions—then the law needs to change.

I became a paid subscriber to the Bee and its offshoots some time ago, but there’s not much I can do as an individual. As for changing the law, I’ll admit that I rejected calls for (further) control over private internet companies for years, because whatever the government controls, it can destroy at will. But at this point, it strikes me that Big Tech deserves whatever’s coming its way.

There will be no lagging at the Approved Party Line, ever.

Because ridicule is almost as dangerous to oppressors as guns. Almost.