Why wait to see how the movie ends when we've already given it the Best Picture Academy Award?

Ol’ Dependables’ got command

The corporate media closes ranks: Biden, the new Neville Chamberlin/Winston Churchill Statesman for our time”

Behold the Washington Post just three days ago:

With or without war, Ukraine gives Biden a new lease on leadership

Six months ago, the transatlantic alliance was on shaky ground, with President Biden’s promise of a reinvigorated NATO under U.S. leadership severely undermined by the Afghanistan debacle and a foreign policy that seemed unready for prime time.

Today, Biden and his team have redeemed themselves in the eyes of many NATO allies, with a tough stance on Ukraine and the successful wrangling of the often-fractious alliance to support it.

And this tweet on Monday from Paul Begala seals his reputation as a hack and lightweight:

However this develops, we’re going to need a better news source than the legacy press.

UPDATE: Here’s another take:

Biden lacks Trump’s punch, and Putin knows it. “Whatever you think of Donald Trump, he never would have allowed Vladimir Putin to run circles around him, which is what Putin has done to hapless Joe Biden. And he certainly would not have appeased Putin and given the Russian president everything he asked for from the START treaty to greenlighting Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline, without getting something in return. All Biden got from Putin was grief. Trump is a businessman and that is what businessmen do. They do not give things away without getting something in return. He is also a bully who knows how to deal with other bullies.”