Well, since he doesn't wear masks while imposing them on schoolchildren, why should he eat vegan?

Mayor Adams, who just forced Friday vegan days on the city’s schoolchildren, won’t say whether he himself indulges in a tasty steak now and then.

Mayor Eric Adams, who has previously claimed to be vegan, bizarrely refused to say on Monday if he eats fish — or if he consumes any other animal products.

Hizzoner brought up his own eating habits at a press conference in Brooklyn following multiple reports he’s been spotted out dining on fish at various restaurants — despite repeatedly insisting he follows a “plant-based” diet. 

“Does Eric eat fish? Does he eat a hamburger? Does he do this? Does he do that? You know, I mean, it’s just, listen, here’s my message: The more plant-based meals you have, the healthier you are going to be,” the mayor said, unprompted.

“Ignore the noise. Don’t worry about what’s on Mayor Adams’ plate, Put these items on your plate because I’m living a healthier lifestyle,” he added.