Well, give Adams credit for at least not ignoring the problem, unlike his predecessor

even more effective might be getting the masks off thieves and carjackers

NYPD shifting six hundred cops from desks to street patrol

The NYPD is pulling hundreds of officers from behind desks and putting them out on patrol starting this week to help “combat violent crime” as well as other qualify of life complaints, The Post has learned. 

The department is set to roll out its new “enhanced deployment strategy” that is aimed at putting more uniformed cops in visible posts, according to a pair of memos from police brass obtained by The Post. 

The move comes as shootings continue to surge, with the latest police data as of Sunday showing gun violence up 30 percent this year compared to last, and nearly 60 percent from 2020.

This won’t do an awful much to improve things so long as the DA refuses to prosecute those the police arrest, and the mentally ill are left free to roam the streets and subways, but maybe the presence of more police on the streets will deter some of the worst behavior.

What’s interesting to note is that there seems to be a popular uprising going on among the fed-up normal citizens of this country from parents rising up against school boards, mask and vaccine opponents making their voices heard, and the inspiration example of Canada’s truckers, and the politicians are beginning to back down.

There are still plenty of pockets or leftist resistance, and they’ll probably stay that way, especially in the universities that breed replacements for the creatures, but still, there’s progress being made against the progressives.

UPDATE: Similar Thoughts here: The Great Populist Revival