Let's address the important Issue — sexual dysphoria

Lost in space? US astronaut may get stranded in space station over Russia tensions

An American astronaut aboard the International Space Station is set to return to earth with two Russian cosmonauts next month – but his trip home has been marred by uncertainty after a staunch Vladimir Putin ally reportedly threatened to leave him behind.

The scheduled return to earth for US astronaut Mark Vande Hei was thrown into question after Dmitry Rogozin, the head of Russia’s Space Agency, made the threats in a Feb. 26 video that he posted to social media, ABC News reported.

Not to worry, NASA’s Rapid Response Team is on it:

One Giant Step for Kittenself Kind: NASA Invites Its Staff to Pick Their Pronouns

Through an effort to create a more inclusive workplace, NASA recently completed an IT project at Goddard Space Flight Center that allowed approximately 125 employees to test the option of including their gender pronouns in NASA’s email display fields — which currently includes each employee’s name, center, and an organizational code. The learnings from this test will be used to inform the advancement of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility.

It all boils down to rights:

NASA is fully committed to supporting every employee’s right to be addressed by their correct name and pronouns. All NASA employees currently have the option and flexibility to include their gender pronouns in their customized email signature blocks.

The federal subsidiary invites its employees to share:

This option remains unchanged and is supported by NASA leadership so that employees can share their gender identities and show allyship to the LGBTQIA+ community.

The statement is signed by NASA’s “Associate Administrator for Diversity and Equal Opportunity.”

The author of this RedState article has thoughts:

As you likely know, the space agency is far from alone in its enlightenment.

Not long ago, participation-trophy critics claimed an entire generation would find it difficult to hold a job. But the corporations caught up with youth culture. Likewise, some may have assumed America’s updated pronoun practices would remain relegated to private industry.

But wokeness is profusely pumping from the aorta of the federal government:

Army Chaplain is Investigated for Calling Transgenders ‘Mentally Unfit’

Sailors Can Use Whichever Locker Room Suits Their Gender Identity

Navy SEAL Ethos Goes Gender-Neutral, Drops Toxically Masculine Terms

Air Force Academy Professor Teaches CRT and ‘Structural Racism’ to Cadets

Air Force Forms ‘LGBTQ’ Focus Group

Nevada Air Force Base Hosts Drag Show

Military Generals Encourage More Women in Combat