This won't end well

who said republicans and democrats can’t get along?

PORK’S REVENGE: Congress brings back earmarks for first time in over a decade.

Braun, a member of the Senate Budget Committee, on Thursday proposed an amendment that would cut $8 billion in earmarks out of the omnibus bill. His amendment failed 64-35. Congress puts money aside for local projects.

This is the first time Congress has had earmarks since 2011, the Indiana Republican told Just the News Editor-in-Chief John Solomon and co-host Amanda Head earlier that evening.

Braun stressed that the “even worse news” is that Congress still needs to pass $3 trillion for Medicare and Social Security. 

He describes the $1.5 trillion spending bill as “2700 pages full of pork.”

“You think after all this money we spent, all of which we borrowed, that you would not need earmarks,” he said. Debt in the United States has increased quickly during the COVID-19 pandemic and currently sits at more than $30 trillion.