Which is, after all, the goal


Critical race theory (sometimes abbreviated to CRT) is an intellectual approach to looking at U.S. society with a belief that racism is at the core of its laws and institutions. 

Critical race theorists base this thinking on a few important observations:

  • Race is a social construct that doesn’t have anything to do with biological differences among people, including differences in intelligence or physical ability. This became definitively clear after the Human Genome Project.

  • The U.S., and all of its laws and institutions, were founded and created based on the myth of white supremacy—the assumption that lighter skin and European ancestry meant that white people were better and deserved a higher social and economic position than people of color. Because racism is embedded within our systems and institutions, codified in law, and woven into American public policy, this racial inequality is replicated and maintained over time. Thus, systemic racismshows up in nearly every facet of life for people of color.

  • CRT aspires to empower voices that have been marginalized. Embracing the lived experiences of people of color through research, storytelling, and counter-storytelling—placed in historical, social and political context— is critical to scholarship that examines race and racism in society.


Miami middle schoolers attack white classmates as revenge for what whites "did in the 1700s for slavery" ... I wonder where they got THAT idea!

Five middle school students are facing hate crime charges after what was believed to be a racially motivated attack against another group of kids in Coconut Creek…

The arrest reports from Coconut Creek Police stated the victims were "racially profiled." According to the reports, the students told police that the other students approached them, yelling, "It's opposite day!" and "brown power!"

"The group looked at (the student) and stated "he is white" before another student "tackled him to the ground which subsequently allowed the group of middle school kids to start hitting him with their hands, feet and phone chargers," the reports said.

One student said he was attacked after he was dropped off at the center before classes. He told NBC 6 that a group of guys from his school ran over to "jump" him and another group of students.

The attackers hit and kicked him, and yelled things that made him believe that he was being targeted because he is white, the student said.

"I put my hands up so they don't whack my face," he said. "After they jumped me, they said, this is, like, revenge for what they did in the 1700s for slavery."