If the Democrats really want to help the poor (okay, but let's pretend) then they should resign en mass, and take their senile old puppet with them

off to the bank, then the grocery store

Joe-Mentum: Inflation Reaches double-digits. And that’s before the claimed and blamed “Putin Hike”

CNN, as its won’t, offers a soothing take on the bad news:

Without energy, food and trade services, PPI rose a modest 0.2% in February -- markedly less than in January and the lowest level since November 2020 -- and 6.6% over the 12-month period, also a decrease from the start of the year.

So, as long as you don’t need to eat, drive, or buy services, you’re okay. But wait, did CNN’s Biden stooges forget housing, which increased 18% last year, and is still soaring? Oh, I guess they did.