Dr. Olivier, call your office

you have insurance, ja?

Time to reopen your practice and make big bucks

Wisconsin dentist could get decades in prison for breaking his patients' teeth by drilling holes in them so that he could charge for fixing the damage – and pocket milllions from the procedures

  • Scott Charmoli, 61, of Grafton, Wisconsin, has been convicted of five counts of healthcare fraud and two counts of making a false statement last week

  • He faces up to 10 years in prison for each count of health care fraud and a maximum of five for both counts of making a false statement

  • He was convicted of purposely breaking patients' teeth by drilling holes in them so he could add a crown

  • He billed more than $4.2million for crowns between 2016 and 2019, the height of his operation, and had assets worth $6.8million by the end of 2020

  • Charmoli placed 95 per cent more crowns than the average Wisconsin doctor, performing more than 30 crowns per 100 patients

  • The average Wisconsin doctor performed six crown procedures per 100

  • He also faces a malpractice lawsuit in Washington County where nearly 100 patients are suing him; it is pending due to the federal case