Hers were never on, but would the last staffer to leave the VP's office please turn off the lights?

it takes kidneys

Kampallawalla Dong Dong’s National Security Advisor [sic] quits, “to spend more time with my family”.

Vice President Kamala Harris’ national security adviser has become the latest high-profile staffer to leave the veep’s office, according to a report.

Nancy McEldowney, who has worked for Harris since she took office, will be replaced by her deputy Philip Gordon, said an internal memo obtained by Reuters on Monday.

McEldowney reportedly said in the memo that she was stepping down to “focus on some pressing personal matters.”

“This was a difficult decision because I am so deeply committed to the work we do and the crucial national interest we serve,” she wrote. “But after more than a year, this is the right decision for my family.”

It doesn’t sound ike much of a loss:

McEldowney, a former ambassador to Bulgaria and onetime director of the State Department’s Foreign Service Institute, had advised both Harris and President Biden on a range of global issues — including the withdrawal from Afghanistan, negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

I drafted the following post this morning and then decided not to go with it because Kimball sounded a bit too histrionic, but maybe he’s on to something:

Are Joe and Kammallwalla Ding Dong on their way out? Roger Kimball thinks so:

But I wonder if there isn’t something else going on. The news is full not only of stories about the New York Times fessing up, sort of, about the contents of Hunter’s laptop, but also of stories about how Hunter is likely to be indicted for tax fraud. In one sense, that is not news. I wrote about it at the end of 2020 when Hunter announced, sotto voce, that he had been informed that he was being investigated by the tax authorities. But in another sense, I suspect, that news, like the revelation from the New York Times that, what do you know, all that stuff about Hunter’s laptop was on the level, like Joe Biden’s bizarre suggestion a couple of days ago that “everybody knows somebody” who has taken nude pictures of some lover and then used them to “blackmail” the person—all that has a different valence now that the Biden Administration is seriously underwater and there are no lifelines in evidence. 

The issue is never the issue. I suspect that Joe Biden is being prepped for ejection. Exactly how it will happen I do not yet know. But he is on the threshold, or possibly has even passed the threshold, where he could appear to govern. His minders understand this. They must be the ones to replace him, otherwise they themselves risk being replaced, which would be intolerable. As I say, it’s not entirely clear yet how the defenestration will take place. Obviously, Kamala will have to be dealt with first, and she will be. Look for some ground softening stories such as the Times just served up about the laptop. They won’t be long in coming.