Besides, "Sprechen sie Deutsch?” “Nein. Mario Cuomo?" is just a bit too obscure for an already-weak joke to support.

it’s as ugly as any cuomo, but that’s not sufficient reason to keep the name

There’s a movement afoot to remove Mario Cuomo’s name from the new Tappan Zee Bridge.

[Politicians] said Tuesday it was wrong for disgraced ex-Gov. Andrew Cuomo to name the $4 billion Westchester-Rockland bridge after his father as part of a legislative backroom deal in 2017 — without input from area constituents.

“The people want the name to be the Tappan Zee Bridge. The renaming of the bridge after Mario was snuck in and people didn’t have a say,” said Assemblywoman Chantel Jackson (D-Bronx), who participated in a press conference at the state capital about the bridge renaming.