When you mistakenly think you were hired because of your skill, instead of your sex and skin color, delusions of grandeur will occur

words leader and locker room attendant, Kampallawala Ding Dong vents her ire

Vice President Kamala Harris was so irritated by a Vogue cover photo ahead of the 2021 inauguration that she had an aide gripe to editor Anna Wintour, a new book claims.

Wintour defended the chosen photo of Harris in Converse sneakers and skinny pants as “relatable” in a conversation with incoming Harris press secretary Symone Sanders, according to excerpts of the upcoming book “This Will Not Pass: Trump, Biden, and the Battle for America’s Future.”

“Harris was wounded. She felt belittled by the magazine, asking aides: Would Vogue depict another world leader this way?” the book states, according to the excerpts, which were obtained by Politico.

Incoming chief of staff TINA FLOURNOY was caught “off-guard by the anger in Harris’ circle” and contacted a senior Biden campaign official. Given the country's myriad crises and the recent January 6th riot at the Capitol, “[t]he Biden adviser told Flournoy that this was not the time to be going to war with Vogue over a comparatively trivial aesthetic issue. Tina, the adviser said, these are first-world problems,” according to the excerpt.

The book excerpts also show early tension between Biden’s and Harris’ offices in the early days of the administration, including early disagreements about the vice president’s role in the administration’s foreign policy, Politico said. 

Harris’ team had wanted her to oversee relationships with Nordic countries, which were considered “low-risk diplomatic assignments,” the book stated.

“White House aides rejected the idea and privately mocked it,” the excerpt said, according to Politico. “More irritating to Biden aides was when they learned the vice president wanted to plan a major speech to outline her view of foreign policy. Biden aides vetoed the idea.”

And the hurting has only gotten worse

Politico writes:

“Some of Harris’s advisers believed the president’s almost entirely white inner circle did not show the vice president the respect she deserved,” Martin and Burns write. “Harris worried that Biden’s staff looked down on her; she fixated on real and perceived snubs in ways the West Wing found tedious.”

At one point, Harris dispatched [incoming chief of staff Tina] Flournoy to talk to top Biden adviser ANITA DUNN to convey displeasure that White House staff was not standing up for Harris when she entered the room the way they did for Biden. “The vice president took it as a sign of disrespect,” according to the excerpt.