Can we subsidize this movement and bring it to college campuses everywhere?

and we’d be doing them a favor, apparently. Maybe add an assisted suicide division?

Stop Having Kids acknowledges that there is an unconscionable amount of needless suffering, injustice, and death in the world—with birth serving as the catalyst for it all. As a result, it is a moral imperative that we strive to minimize and prevent (not through coercion, pressure, or force) as many new lives as possible. We advocate focusing our time, energy, and resources that would have otherwise been allocated towards supporting new life into caring for and improving the lives of already existing people and places.

Our goal as a collective liberation movement (humans and nonhumans) is to publicize the often overlooked and misinterpreted antinatalist/vegantinatalist ideology and childfree lifestyle through a multi-layer approach. These tactics include encouraging advocacy (e.g., outreach and demonstrations), supplying people with educational resources and materials, as well as producing clothing and accessories that inspire critical thinking, reflection, validation, and positive change. All societies and cultures heavily encourage and promote having kids (rather than caring for already existing lives and mitigating harm). We are trying to do what we can to disrupt the long-term detrimental buildup of social pressure to conform to unconsidered traditions, behaviors, and ways of thinking. We want to inspire people to question acquiescing all societal norms and expectations. We promote living authentically, fearlessly, confidently, honestly, thoughtfully, and compassionately.

We lead by manifold examples helping humans and nonhuman people out; not just through monthly donations to at least one organization, but also through actions—such as donating our time and presence to have meaningful, inspirational, and mind-expanding demonstrations and dialogue with others, as well as through free food drives for humans and their companion animals, and through garbage cleanups. We seek to promote social change with positive messages and actions that can lead to higher quality living for all.

“We lead by example.” Excellent idea.