The Germans laughed and the Democrats' media lackeys ridiculed Trump when he warned of this, and Vladimir was probably chuckling along with them

Germany’s delegation appears to laugh during President Trump’s speech after he said their country “will become totally dependent on Russian energy if it does not immediately change course”

Russia demands that it be paid in rubles for its gas. Germans howl, “why, why, that’s blackmail!”

Last week, Putin announced that “unfriendly counties” would need to start paying for oil and gas in rubles instead of dollars or euros. This was a transparent attempt to undermine western resolve on sanctions by driving a wedge between the US and UK, who’ve already cut off Russian oil, and the EU which has not done so because it is too dependent on it.

Secondly, if the EU complied with the demand it would also go a long way toward propping up Russia’s currency since the EU would be forced to buy billions of rubles to pay for energy in that currency. More demand for rubles means the impact of sanctions on Russia would be less severe.

Yesterday the G7 firmly rejected Putin’s demands and said they would continue to pay for Russian energy in the currency written into the contracts:

German energy minister Robert Habeck told reporters that “all G-7 ministers agreed completely that this (would be) a one-sided and clear breach of the existing contracts” for natural gas, which is used to heat homes, generate electricity and power industry.

The energy ministers of France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada, as well as the European Union energy commissioner, met by videoconference and reaffirmed that contracts “must be respected,” with most stipulating payments be in euros or dollars, a G-7 statement said.

“Payment in ruble is not acceptable, and we will urge the companies affected not to follow (Russian President Vladimir) Putin’s demand,” Habeck said.

Germany Finance Minister Christian Lindner went a bit farther than that saying his country would not give in to Putin’s blackmail. “It’s is blackmail. There are treaties. Treaties are in dollars and euros,” he said. He added, “It’s a trick. He wants to circumvent the sanctions but we won’t allow this.” So what happens if Putin turns off the supply? Lindner says Germany will find a way to deal with it but won’t agree to pay in rubles lest they give Putin a way to fund his war machine.

“Deal with it” Hahahah

What did Western Europe use before blankets and candles? Natural gas.

(Reminder: In February, the Biden administration conced3ed to Turkey and killed the Israel to Europe gas pipeline.)