Something wicked this way comes; for Hunter Biden, and maybe Ol' Dependables hisself

The WaPo has joined the NYT in finally reporting on Hunter’s laptop and the FBI is leaking like crazy. They only do that when they need to preset the narrative.

Bonchie, RedState

Suddenly, for no reason whatsoever I’m assured, the liberal news industry, including The New York Timesand The Washington Post, decided to “confirm” all the reporting we already knew was true. Further, the Post’s write-up goes so far as to detail some of Hunter Biden’s corrupt dealings, specifically regarding the Chinese. That’s quite the about-face.

Nothing, and I mean nothing that is harmful to a major Democrat gets printed by accident. There is always an underlying reason why a report gets made at the time it does, especially when we are talking about a story that was previously suppressed.

So what’s going on here? I think one only has to look at the media’s history to see a pattern when it comes to harmful revelations about Democrat figures. When reports start coming out that simultaneously make major admissions but still attempt to white-wash what’s happening, that’s usually because forces within the government are leaking information in order to get out in front of a story and preset the narrative.

The Times and the Post reported on the Carter Page FISA abuse, but only after it became clear much more was about to come out showing the FBI’s abuse of power. The Times and the Post reported on John Durham indicting Michael Sussmann, but only as a way to suggest the indictment was weak. When the actual indictment dropped, it was far worse than described.

Do you see what I mean? Something big is coming regarding the corruption surrounding Hunter Biden (and possibly his father). That’s why we are getting these reports right now, and that’s why those privy to the FBI investigation into Joe Biden’s son are suddenly leaking like crazy. They want to set the narrative before it becomes apparent just how bad things truly were. That means you can take the Post’s newest report and assume it’s just the tip of the iceberg.

I don’t know if the goal here is to throw enough dirt on Joe Biden to get him out of the way for Kamala Harris, or if the press thinks going directly at Hunter Biden will somehow draw a distinction and insulate the White House. What I do know is that this isn’t the end of this story. Stay tuned.

(Even CNN is joining in:)