Biden wants to punish oil companies for not activating their federal leases

Prevent drilling, to keep the green base happy, punish oil companies for not drilling, to divert the anger of ordinary voters with an outright lie.

President Joe Biden asked Congress to hit oil companies with fines for not producing energy on permitted leases as part of his sweeping plan to address U.S. energy prices.

“Today, President Biden is calling on Congress to make companies pay fees on wells from their leases that they haven’t used in years and on acres of public lands that they are hoarding without producing,” the White House said in a fact sheet on Thursday.

“[C]ompanies that continue to sit on non-producing acres will have to choose whether to start producing or pay a fee for each idled well and unused acre.”

As part of the announcement Thursday, Biden will also order the Department of Energy to release a million barrels of oil a day from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve for the next six months. [hahahaha]

The White House has repeatedly blamed Big Oil for not doing enough to combat high gasoline prices in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which has disrupted global energy supplies. Biden and Democratic lawmakers suggested this month that oil companies have taken advantage of the crisis to pad their profits.

The administration has also urged energy producers to drill on existing federal leases that aren’t currently producing oil. Approximately 9,000 of the 35,871 activeoil and natural gas leases nationwide, or about 25.1%, are non-producing, White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters earlier in the month.

“There are 9,000 unused, approved drilling permits,” Jen Psaki said on March 7. “So I would suggest you ask the oil companies why they’re not using those if there’s a desire to drill more.”

Fortunately, Paul Harvey is around to tell the rest of the story — in fact, it’s the real story:

Industry groups have argued that not every lease was usable and that many were tied up in active litigation.

“The likelihood of any lease producing energy are far from guaranteed, as not all land has energy underneath it, yet companies still begin paying rent on a lease as soon as its granted,” American Petroleum Institute Senior Vice President of Policy, Economics and Regulatory Affairs Frank Macchiarola said in a statement to the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Western Energy Alliance President Kathleen Sgamma, meanwhile, noted the Interior Department is currently holding up permits on 3,800 leases while it conducts additional “climate change analysis,” about 4,600 permits are still awaiting approval and that the her group is defending thousands more in court.

“Western Energy Alliance has been in court for years defending 5,900 leases of 7.3 million acres and companies can’t develop on most of them when they’re caught up in legal challenges,” Sgamma told the DCNF in a statement. “But the president now wants to penalize us for these delays?”

“The White House conveniently forgets the government’s role in delaying pipelines and permits and introducing new financial and regulatory risks to American development,” she continued.

The Biden administration has actively pursued an anti-fossil fuel agenda, nixing the Keystone XL oil pipeline, ditching oil drilling in Alaska, not appealing a court ruling that prohibited a massive offshore drilling lease in the Gulf of Mexico, attempting to ban new drilling leases on federal lands and making it harder for utilities to gain approval for natural gas projects.

The Democrats can’t afford to alienate their only base, the progressives [sic], by allowing fossil fuel production to continue without severely shrinking it; not that those people would ever vote for a Republican, but if they stay home on election day month half-year, the fraudulent vote generating machines may not be able to keep up. But, if they can’t lower energy prices, and they don’t want to, how do they soothe the savage beasts of the hoi polloi? Demagoguery, of course; create a false enemy.

I hate these people.