I dunno, how else is a guy with a 67 IQ going to make a living?

Career criminal convicted of robbery at NYC Channel store

A Brooklyn career criminal has been convicted of a brazen $200,000 daylight robbery at a SoHo Chanel store — and now faces over 20 years in prison, prosecutors said.

Eric Spencer, 30, was convicted Tuesday in Manhattan federal court for the raid at the Spring Street store in February last year, in which he and a crew of at least three others snatched designer bags and clothes.

Security footage showed the crew racing into the store, terrifying shoppers and tussling with security.

When one armed guard tried to confront him, Spencer reached into his waistband to threaten the possibility he had a gun, prosecutors said.

Gee, masked criminals, no fingerprints; this could have been a tough one to solve. Fortunately, the cops got a helping hand from a concerned citizen:

Within days, Spencer bragged on social media about having enough Chanel bags to “open a small boutique,” admitting in text messages that he had the stolen loot, his trial was told.

Many years ago, as I was leaving Stamford’s criminal court, I complained to a colleague, “our clients are so goddamn stupid!” He was unperturbed. “Well, if they weren’t”, he pointed out, “we’d be out of business.”
