Three disparate items; or are they?

PJ Media: Biden spits US allies to cut a deal with Iran that makes no sense

While the Biden administration has done its best to hide the ongoing negotiations, you’ve probably been made aware by now that a new JCPOA nuclear deal with Iran is in the works.

(Check out RedState’s latest reporting on the matter by clicking here)

Guess who’s at the forefront of helping secure that deal? That would be none other than Vladimir Putin, who the United States is ostensibly at economic war with over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. …

Recently, I wrote two articles noting the seeming subservience of the Biden administration to Russia (see here and here), even as Biden himself has trotted out the tough-guy talk for a gullible public. Yet, behind the scenes, it appears that a deal with Iran has taken priority, even as Putin continues to bomb cities in Ukraine.

… What is the United States getting out of a deal with Iran? There is no strategic interest there, especially given Israel, which does actually have a direct strategic interest, is against the JCPOA.

Again, nothing about this makes sense, and when nothing makes sense, it’s probably time to start asking tougher questions about what lies beneath the surface. Why have the last two Democrat-led presidencies been so obsessed with making a deal with Iran? Who is gaining what here? Are there payoffs involved? Why is Russia even a part of the negotiations given its behavior in Ukraine?

The most lasting effect, on me, of the cooked-up panic of the past two years, has been cementing my absolute, complete distrust in anything the establishment says or does: Washington politicians, public health bureaucrats, scientists (particularly the medical establishment, that advocated a complete, nationwide shut down, until it decided that BLM mass rallies were “an essential part of public health”, and thus permissible), our military, educational establishment, and the media, both legacy and social. So I no longer dismiss allegations of fraud, conspiracy, and corruption from those quarters as tinfoil hat fantasy. Some surely are, but I don’t reject them out of hand. I don’t trust, I verify.