Pending up near Whitby School

958 Lake Avenue, priced at $2.890 million. I represented the owners, a very nice family, back in 2013 when they purchased it for $1.725. I know they put a lot of money into bringing it back (among other items, every single Acorn window had failed — Acorn went bankrupt trying to honor its warranty on the windows it had sold all across the country, but even I knew better back when I was doing college construction in the 70s that the brand was no good, so …), but they seem to have made out well. And for once, stubbornness paid off, thanks to COVID. They priced it at $3 million in September 2020 and didn’t budge for a full year before dropping it, grudgingly, I suppose, to the current $2.850.

But that strategy appears to have worked, so good for them.