What worked at 85 Dingletown may not work here, but who knows?

The listing for 22 Stillman Lane expired on 3/21/21, unsold at $4.250 million. Now it’s back, asking $5.250. My reason for distinguishing it from 85 Dingletown is that, aside from Dingletown’s location in a more popular section of town, Dingletown was priced below replacement cost, and sold in the moribund market of 2020. This one seemed fully-priced in 2021, yet didn’t sell, just as it failed to sell in 2014-15, when it tried, first, $5.495 before sliding down to $4.995.

Then again, the market continues its torrid pace, and as Browning reminds us, a man’s rich should exceed his grasp, or what’s heaven for? So go for it, I suppose.