You know, I was just thinking that what NYC municipal workers [sic] needed was another paid day off

“Juneteenth is a time for reflection, assessment, and self-improvement," Adams said. "People across the country of all races, nationalities, and religions unite on this day to truthfully acknowledge the stain of slavery and celebrate the countless contributions of Black Americans.”

Mayor Adams declares “Juneteenth a holiday for city employees, because reflection, assessment and self-improvement can only be accomplished in parks and on beaches, and on the taxpayer’s dime.

And, related?

Yesterday the NY Post reported that the Democrats running the state have slipped in a rollback of the state pension reforms, a giveaway that will cost one billion dollars this year and many more billions going forward.

“It’s a good start,” said Assemblyman Peter Abbate, chairman of the committee on government employees that oversees pension legislation.

“The unions were active pushing for changes and so was I.”

I don’t live, work, or even visit New York anymore, and it’s the voters themselves who have tolerated corruption and abuse in Albany for decades, so I don’t suppose I care what their masters do to them, but I do wonder at their willingness to be screwed. Stockholm Syndrome?