The derangement extends throughout the administration
/stand back, and stay back!
Psaki has never let her 5-year-old have a playmate over to the house.
"Believe me, I would like to have many playdates in my house — my son has never had a playdate in his house before because we are very careful and we do playdates at parks and we wear masks at community centers and everything like that," Psaki explained of her at-home COVID protocol that seems to be more strict than the White House's.
"I realize everyone doesn't do what I do," Psaki admitted in an obvious conclusion before admitting "I've had COVID twice so I don't know."
"But it is tiring, exhausting," Psaki said of having to parent those too young to be inoculated against COVID. "I'm ready to have my son vaccinated," she concluded.
The amazing thing about the Psakis of this country, and they are legion, is that, even if it turns out that there’s just a one-in-a-million chance of harm from an infant COVID vaccine, that’s still higher than the risk of harm from COVID itself, which is zero.
The power of irrational fear to override reason has been apparent to observers for thousands of years, but the COVID panic certainly provides a fresh example; there’s been nothing like it since the anti-nuke movement took hold.