This is far scarier than a senile president who won't be around long

The person of unknown gender (who am I to assign her a particular sex or gender? I’m not a biologist) who is about to be confirmed to a lifetime position on the Supreme Court “doesn’t know" whether individuals have natural, inalienable rights.

The significance of this position is that it holds that individuals have only the rights bestowed on them by their government and those rights can be revoked or modified as the government sees fit. It’s a system where power comes from the top and is distributed downward.

Our founding fathers reversed this top-down structure and insisted that it is individuals who have god-given rights, and the government can only take or control the rights the citizens have yielded for the common good.

The isn’t a matter of interpreting the Constitution from some far-left perspective, it’s a complete repudiation of the framework of our country. Katanji Brown’s legal philosophy would see the Constitution destroyed and the power of the King restored. The last time that was tried on this soil, there was a revolution.