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Defund the Police: Democrats lied, Black people died

Stephen Kruiser:

We are certainly learning a lot as a nation just two years after the nightmarish slog that was 2020.

Mostly that the Democrats were wrong about a lot.

Yeah, for those of us who have been dealing with the Democrats for a long time, that isn’t anything new. What made 2020 stand out, however, was not just how wrong they were about so many things, but how ridiculous they were on the way to being wrong.

Perhaps the most monumentally stupid thing that they did was jump on board with the “Defund the Police” movement while cities were being overrun with violence in the summer of 2020. That’s like deciding to cut back on water and flame retardant while a wildfire is raging.

It was a moronic idea, so of course, the Democratic elite all embraced it immediately.

Perhaps that wasn’t a good idea. Rick has more:

The immediate aftermath of the murder of George Floyd saw a dramatic increase in violent crime across the country. But the political movement Floyd’s death spawned — “Defund the Police” — ended up creating a massive spike in the murders of black people as law enforcement pulled back from policing black communities in what’s referred to as “The Ferguson Effect.”

The left sniffs at the Ferguson Effect because it, in essence, blames their coddling of violent protesters for the spike in crime. But given the anecdotal evidence from every large city about the reality of the effect —some police making a conscious effort not to get involved — it would seem that the Ferguson Effect can certainly be included among any causes for the increase in violent crime.

The Ferguson riots play a central role in the Democrats’ incessant disparagement of law enforcement. That’s when His HIgh Holiness the Lightbringer Barack Obama got really comfortable with blaming cops and trusting criminals. What the Democrats did in 2020 was his legacy.

Ferguson was also where Democrats and their flying monkeys in the mainstream media began pretending in earnest that riots weren’t really riots as long as the rioters were hating on cops and fitting a sanctioned leftist social justice narrative.

Related: Reality Hits Hard—Lib Cities Move to ‘Re-fund the Police’

Democrats handled the inevitable consequences of supporting “Defund the Police” the way they always do: by shrugging their shoulders and pretending that they were never supportive of it in the first place.

Prominent Democrats spent several months hitting the airwaves and internet trying to convince the American public that they were never fans of the “Defund the Police” movement. They keep forgetting that only the Democratic faithful lack memories. Sane people weren’t buying it.

Democrats were very fond of chanting “Defund the Police” and “Black Lives Matter” because slogans are easy. They’re also the kinds of things that mobs do. Mob rule by nature is shortsighted and rife with unseen consequences.

Just like the way the Democrats usually govern.