Up, up, and away on North Street ...

504 North Street is newly listed today and priced at $8.750 million, which is quite a hike from the $6.1 paid by the seller in 2021, but I suppose there have been some improvements made over the past 10 months.

The original owner of the place bought a nice old house for $3.5 back in 2004:

And then built the current house, and listed it for the improbable price of $12.960 million before, with the bank’s hot breath on his neck, he gave up and “gave it away” for $5.8 million in 2013. So today’s price is closer to, if not actually at that man’s dream.

The listing claims 16,758 sq. ft. on 3.3 acres, the tax card says 11,536, so take your pick: 3.3 acres, either way, with the soothing sound of North Street traffic to lull you to sleep.