Real Estate News

33 Old Stone Bridge

33 Old Stone Bridge Road, $1.995 ask, contract in 7 days. Without doing any strict research, my feeling is that houses in this development were fetching in the $1.750 range a few years ago; if so, then, given the lack of inventory, and seeing what other similar houses are going for in, say, NoPo, this seems unsurprising.

22 Round Hill Road has dropped from $19 million to $16.9. When it came on the market last October, some of us questioned its price. So far, those doubts seem to have been justified.

If at Sixth you don’t succeed, try, try again. 13 Chieftans, which has been looking for a buyer since 2017, when it began at $3.3 million, is back once more, now trying for $3.495. Apparently, negotiations with ICE to purchase it as a half-way house for illegal aliens have fallen through.