Stop them before they kill again

President Blow Hard: “Not a drop of oil more!”

Biden puts millions of acres off-limits to oil drilling in Alaska

Biden’s Energy Chief Jennifer Granholm vows to bring California’s dystopia to the rest of America

John Kerry sentences natural gas to death in ten years or less

“We have to put the industry on notice: You’ve got six years, eight years, no more than 10 years or so, within which you’ve got to come up with a means by which you’re going to capture, and if you’re not capturing, then we have to deploy alternative sources of energy,” the one-time presidential candidate said. (No such technology exists on a scalable size, and won’t be available, then, either.)

WSJ: “John Kerry Says the Darndest Things.”

President Biden’s climate envoy John Kerry a few months ago said he could see natural gas being a “bridge fuel.” Apparently he meant a bridge to nowhere. On Thursday he sentenced the industry to death in 10 years, no matter if renewable energy sources won’t be able to replace natural gas by then.

“We have to put the industry on notice: You’ve got six years, eight years, no more than 10 years or so, within which you’ve got to come up with a means by which you’re going to capture [emissions], and if you’re not capturing, then we have to deploy alternative sources of energy,” he told Bloomberg TV. Can someone come up with a way to capture and bury Mr. Kerry’s emissions?

But here’s the key to Kerry’s and the Global Warmist’s plan:

[Kerry] added: “No one should make it easy for the gas interests to be building out 30- or 40-year infrastructure, which we’re then stuck with and you know the fight will be ‘well we can’t close these because of the employment, because of the investors, et cetera.’”

Kerry et al are setting up the country to be literally powerless by 2032: Would you invest billions in an industry that’a to be shut down in ten years? Probably not. Just as Facebook demonetizes opinion sites and sellers of products it doesn’t like, the Greens, including major financial players like Blackrock’s Larry Fink, are moving to demonetize, and this destroy, our energy infrastructure. No exploration, no wells, no pipeline, no financing. We have far less than ten years to stop this, and keep the lights on.