Remember, your betters actually pretend to believe this stuff

“Vaginal birth” is now “frontal birth”, and by golly, it’s about time!

Maternity services should use 'inclusive' terms like 'chestfeeding' so trans pregnant people aren't offended, a Government-funded report says. 

The report, from the LGBT Foundation, made the recommendation after surveying 121 trans Britons on their experience of pregnancy.

Another example of a gender-loaded term is 'vaginal birth', recommending 'frontal' or 'lower birth' instead.

It is not possible to guess the language someone might use to describe themselves based on how they look or sound, or who they are in a relationship with,' the report reads.

The charity also says some trans and non-binary people would benefit from having a private space in hospitals to give birth, so that they are not made uncomfortable by seeing women. 

It detailed the experience of one trans person, who said: 'I didn’t have to go to a ward full of women after giving birth, I was actually provided with a private room for me and baby which was very helpful and accommodating for me and my gender identity.' 

NHS services are currently in a 'woke' storm of de-gendering language surrounding women and pregnancy. 

Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust is now referring to breastmilk as 'human milk' in official guidance.

And This:

Midwives are being taught at university how to help biological men with penises give birth as experts slam trans 'inclusive' manual 

Midwifery students at a top Scottish university were wrongly taught biological men could get pregnant and trans men could give birth even if they have a penis.

MailOnline can reveal the £9,000-a-year undergraduate course at Edinburgh Napier University included a woke module on caring for 'birthing people'.   

In a coursebook that has since been revised, trainee midwives were given detailed instructions on how to treat a male-to-female trans person during childbirth.

The book's introduction stated: 'You may be caring for a pregnant or birthing person who is transitioning from male to female and may still have external male genitalia.'

Another section with photo demonstrations detailed how to fit a catheter in a person with a penis and scrotum during labour. 

The book also included special instructions for people with prostate glands — which are exclusive to biological men — who may feel particular 'discomfort'.

Several experts criticised the university, describing the woke course material as 'remarkably ignorant about basic biology, sex and anatomy'. 

Over on this side of the water, our cultural leaders are concerned that rural Americans are turning “anti-intellectual”, and don’t trust the expert advice being so freely given them by the bi-coastal moonbeams. How could that have happened? Anyone? Anyone? Buehler?

Younger readers will be shocked; shocked, I tell you, that back in 1979, the skit below was not only considered satirical humor, but was permitted to be broadcast on public airwaves. Oh, the progress we’ve made!