Seventeen Million Dollar Woman* bursts into tears over mean tweet, proving that money can't buy a spine. Sad.

Oh, boo hoo hoo.

Politico reports:

[Vijaya] Gadde cried during the meeting as she expressed concerns about how the company could change, according to three people familiar with the meeting. She acknowledged that there are significant uncertainties about what the company will look like under Musk’s leadership.

Gadde holds one of the most controversial positions at Twitter: Her teams decide how to moderate content. That’s made her a target of right-wing criticism, particularly when Twitter blocked the distribution of a New York Post article about President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, in 2020. She faced a renewed wave of criticism after multiple reports confirmed she was behind the decision to ban Trump from Twitter.

“No matter what we do we’ve been accused of bias,” she told Bloomberg News in 2020. “Leaving content up, taking content down — that’s become pretty much background noise.”

Here’s Musk’s mean tweet, in its entirety, that has Vijaya and the Leftist universe in tears: