Dirty little boys playing naughty games on their employer's dime — or perhaps at their boss’s bidding

It’s all about messaging and conditioning

Disney’s push to sexualize children has drawn attention to what’s been going on over there for years. Most of the images shown here elicit, from me a great yawn, but this one did give me pause:

I did a Google Image search on this before I would believe it’s a legitimate, not photoshopped, card. It is.

Andrew Breitbart observed that “politics are downstream from culture”, and Disney has certainly influenced our culture. “Bambi” was the most successful anti-hunting propaganda ever made, and the entirely fake story about lemmings committing suicide entered our culture in 1958 and persists to this day: everyone “knows” that lemmings blindly follow their leader off cliffs and drown in the sea. A false understating of lemming behavior is harmless, and has even provided fodder for six decades of silly cartoons. That can’t be said of much of the rest of what Hollywood has been up to during those years.

The boys at headquarters have long held this weird obsession with their hoo-hoos, which is … odd.