Price cut on Will Merry

41 Will Merry Lane, $2.995 million to $2.449. Meh — maybe. Will Merry sells at a discount because of the Merritt, but this one’s on the south side of the road, where noise is less obvious.

The owners before these paid $1.425 in it in ‘07 and with foreclosure looming in ‘09 put it on the market at $1.975, before unloading it to these owners for a mere million in 2010 as the clamor of approaching bankers’ footfalls grew ever louder.

So there should be plenty of room for a decent profit regardless of its ultimate selling price. It appears that a new kitchen was put in during their ownership, but I’m a little dubious about the claim that a new roof was installed during that same period, because a 2006 listing noted that a “new wood shingle roof and copper gutters” had been added that year. At least from its pictures, that 2006 roof is still there and appears to be in good shape, but who knows?