Most secret service agents would be suspicious of mysterious Iranians giving them lavish gifts, but most secret agents don't work for the U.S. Government

Oh, Haider, thank you!

Mystery fare: why did two men posing as federal agents give gifts to the Secret Service, and why weren’t questions raised?

AllaPundit, RedState:

News broke yesterday that the feds had busted two men in D.C. for impersonating federal agents, but the impersonation was the least interesting detail in the affidavit. The two had spent more than two years living in a luxury apartment building in the capital that’s popular with employees of the FBI, Secret Service, Pentagon, and Navy. They befriended their neighbors in the building — especially the Secret Service — and gave them gifts. And by “gifts,” I don’t mean Secret Santa stuff.

Where’d they get the money to be this generous?

The two men — Arian Taherzadeh, 40, and Haider Ali, 36 — were taken into custody as more than a dozen FBI agents charged into a luxury apartment building in Southeast Washington on Wednesday evening…

Taherzadeh is accused of providing Secret Service officers and agents with rent-free apartments — including a penthouse worth over $40,000 a year — along with iPhones, surveillance systems, a drone, flat screen television, a generator, gun case and other policing tools, according to court documents.

He also offered to let them use a black GMC SUV that he identified as an “official government vehicle,” prosecutors say. In one instance, Taherzadeh offered to purchase a $2,000 assault rifle for a Secret Service agent who is assigned to protect the first lady.


Evidently this went on for two years, with no one alerting the feds that something seemed amiss until recently. According to the affidavit, the scheme was exposed only last month when an inspector from the U.S. Postal Service was sent to the building to investigate an alleged assault on a mail carrier. When he spoke to Taherzadeh and Ali, they told him they were members of DHS’s “U.S. Special Police Investigation Unit,” an agency that … doesn’t exist. The inspector notified DHS, which led to last night’s raid.

Let me repeat: It took a postal inspector to expose what appears to all the world to have been an espionage operation, if not something worse, happening right under the noses of members of the Secret Service, FBI, and military. Four Secret Service agents have been placed on leave while the investigation proceeds.

What’s going on?

Leaving aside the incompetence of our security and military services, which has been painfully obvious for years, is it too tinfoily-hattish to note that a rabid fox was set loose in the Capitol this week, Nancy Pelosi and a majority of the people allowed near Biden are reported sick with COVID, and Hillary has gone into her Lady in Waiting mode? *

Poor Ol’ Joe.

UPDATE: This story just gets weirder, and more fun. For undercover assassins, the pair was sure doing everything they could to bring attention to themselves, but what the hell were they up to?

The FBI is searching their belongings today, which includes no fewer than five apartments in the building where they lived and three vehicles. Among the items recovered so far are “body armor, gas masks, zip ties, handcuffs, equipment to break through doors, drones, radios and police training manuals.” They found guns too — including “disassembled rifle pieces and sniper scopes.” The building is located near D.C.’s Navy Yard, just a mile from the U.S. Capitol.

The two men also had surveillance equipment and a high-power telescope, he said. The FBI found evidence that they may have been creating surveillance devices and also found a binder with information on all the residents in the luxury apartment building, which is home to law enforcement officers, defense officials and congressional staffers.

Prosecutors say the men had also set up surveillance in the building and had been telling residents there that they could access any of their cellphones at any time. The residents also told investigators they believed the men had access to their personal information.

And more details at The Daily Mail, including the fact that the men were found with Iranian and Pakistani visas in their possession.

*April 2nd — who snuck her into the oval office and got her this close to the geezer? Taherzadeh? Haider Ali? Hillary? Democrat leadership?