From Beyond the Grave
/Did Rush Predict Biden’s Coming Downfall?
Last week, a clip of the late Rush Limbaugh from December 2020 resurfaced on social media that seems to predict the events of recent weeks, with Hunter Biden’s laptop being confirmed by the mainstream media and Barack Obama’s return to the White House.
In the clip, Limbaugh contends that Joe Biden would “serve at the pleasure of Barack Obama” and foresaw that the media would eventually turn on Biden and start reporting on his shady business dealings if Obama and Democrat leaders thought Biden was beyond saving.
“They cannot be critical of Biden,” Limbaugh said in December 2020. “They will not be critical of Biden. They’re gonna prop up Biden until, until — I’m gonna tell you, folks, I think we’re seeing enough information on the Bidens now to safely say that Biden will serve at the pleasure of Barack Obama.”
“If Obama gives the green light to Democrats to take Biden out, there will be ample evidence that Biden has lied about his knowledge his family was selling his name and office with his permission, and if that’s in fact the case, then there’s likely unreported money that will be found,” Limbaugh continued.
Last month, the mainstream finally conceded that Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop was legitimate and not “Russian disinformation” as they’d long claimed.
“The fake news media will temporarily become hard news media if the decision is made that Biden has to step down,” Limbaugh continued. “Until that time, they will be covering for Biden, they’ll be making excuses for Biden, they’ll be ignoring all the negatives. You wait and see. And then watch what happens to their ratings when that happens.”
A lot of people, including readers of this blog and its author, thought they saw that something was up when corporate media “suddenly “ and simultaneously acknowledged that Hunter’s notebook was real. Why now, it was asked, and why all together? The answer seems obvious: they’re getting ready to get rid of Biden, and we can expect a cascading tide of leaked memos, depositions, and affidavits concerning the financial doings of the Family Biden to soon start dominating the news.
But they have to get rid of Kamallawalla Ding Dong first. How they plan to do that, I don’t know, but I’m sure there’s a plan already in place and operating.