Hating on Biden, and appropriately so
/Biden Doesn’t Deserve Your Pity, He Deserves Your Disdain
Larry O’Connor, writing in TownHall, takes us back through this mendacious, arrogant bastard’s entire political career, and has the videos to prove why the man should be shunned and shamed by history. Just a sampling:
… Now, if you're like most people, the sight of the most powerful man in the world sadly searching for someone to share a moment of companionship with while multitudes race to glom on to the overbearing aura of a retired president might bring feelings of pity and even empathy for the poor, old dufus.
Please... don't fall for it.
Yes, Joe Biden often now embodies the personification of a hapless, meandering fool with little awareness of who or where he is at any given moment. For all we know, the pathetic old man is beyond the early stages of dementia and is now experiencing some level of full-blown senility.
Seeing him stranded and lost while those supposed to care for him run over to Obama to touch his garment naturally elicits feelings of compassion for the man.
Please activate an empathy blocker in your brain and remind yourself of who this man is, was, and continues to be.
He is the man who led the dishonest and disparaging crusade against the good name and legacy of one of America's smartest legal minds, Judge Robert Bork. He slimed the man and let his fellow Democrats destroy his character while he held the chairman's gavel in the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Watch this small clip to have a good understanding of who this guy is and how smug and arrogant he always has been:
He took his disgraceful behavior of destroying a man's life, future, and good name and tried to parlay it into the 1988 Democratic nomination for president. Because when you're a Democrat, destroying a fine man's life with lies and bully tactics makes you presidential material. You've all seen the news reports of how he lied about his college grades during that campaign, but watch the video again to witness his obnoxious, arrogant attitude while he was lying about himself.
[Especially the second clip, “Joe Biden lies about college law school degrees, scholarship and graduating at the top of his class." — Ed]
Only a sociopath lies with that kind of aggressive vigor and in-your-face hatred.
Then Biden moved on to destroy another man's good name and reputation. This time, Judge Clarence Thomas. Again, as chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, he allowed the confirmations to turn into bloodsport so he could destroy his political opponent with lies and innuendo.
And so on, and on, and on. O’Connor concludes:
Yes, Biden probably deserves your pity... but as long as he clings to the reins of power, and he would eagerly use that power to destroy and demonize you (just as he has done in every opportunity he's had in the past), reserve that pity and deliver unto him exactly what he deserves... your outright contempt.