Burn it down, salt the earth

Coming to shape federal law near you: 'Democratic institutions won't save us,' Fessler added. 'It's not time for "reform."'

Sweet Milisa

First-year law student Melisa Olgun: 'Neither the Constitution nor the courts — nor the f***ing illusion of 'democracy' — are going to save us. How can we possibly expect a document, drafted by wealthy, white, landowning men, to protect those who face marginalization that is the direct result oof the very actions of the founders?' she wrote. 

'How can you uphold the validity of an entire legal discipline that is dedicated to upholding and honoring the intentions of the founders — who intentionally did not bother to codify rights for anyone other than themselves.'

Shyamala Ramakrishna, ” interested in practice and policy advocacy at the intersections of workers' rights, tech accountability, and racial justice”, belongs to India’s top-of-the-heap Brahmin caste, but she’s certainly willing to lecture you on white privilege.

Alas, she doesn’t like Christians of any race:

'The members of YLS [Federalist Society] are conspirators in the Christo-fascist political takeover we all seem to be posting frantically about,' first-year law student Shyamala Ramakrishna said in an Instagram posting. 

'So why are they still coming to our parties/laughing in the library/roaming these weirdly high school-esque halls with precious few social consequences and without unrelenting daily confrontation?' 

.And then move on to Harvard, which spawns creatures like Elle Mystal, Havard undergrad, and Harvard Law.

..Mystal has previously denounced the Constitution as "trash" and the Framers as "racist misogynistic jerk faces."

That seems rather ungrateful, coming from an affirmative action beneficiary

UPDATE: I see that Professor Reynolds, Yale Law ‘85, has also “pounced:


His suggested remedy is a tad less draconian than mine, probably from nostalgia:

Also, you’re a moron if you think the way to deal with a Supreme Court decision you don’t like is to harass your law school classmates. Seriously, these people don’t belong in law school or in the law, and Yale’s selection process, which seems to have flooded the place with people like this, needs a complete reboot.