Speaking of urban myths and delusions of the insane, our town's Conservation Commission is going to publicly demonstrate the concept this June

Greenwich Conservation Commission meets outside Town Hall

As noted below, you can’t fix stupid

A coalition of groups dedicated to sustainability, and are putting on an expo next
month to showcase clean energy vehicles for Fairfield County residents, and they need help.

“Electrify Your Life” is the brainchild of Greenwich’s Conservation Commission, which aims to give families a hands-on, electric taste of things they usually must burn fossil fuels to operate.

The Commission’s press release invites readers to contact organizer Aleksandra Moch of the Greenwich Town Conservation Commission at (203) 622-6461 or Aleksandra.Moch@greenwichct.org for details on how burning fossil fuels to generate electricity to power electric cars will reduce the consumption of fossil fuels. Also, because there’s a 30% loss of energy when transmitting fossil-fueled power to the electrical socket in your home, the math she uses to explain why burning fossil fuels directly is less efficient than first converting it to electrons should prove as fascinating as her logic.

Save The Children will be there in counter-demonstration

cobolt mining in congo

As will Greenpeace

lithium mining may be a tad messy, but tibet’s a long way from greenwich: out of sight, out of mind