And just like that .... “women” are back, and the transgenders are history

Oh! It turns out, males can’t get pregnant after all.

Transgenders have been Sheehanized, overnight. You may remember Cindy Sheehan, the anti-war mom who was the darling of the left while Bush was in office, but dropped down the memory hole when she continued her protests after Obama continued the Iraq war.

Now the trannies know how Cindy must feel.

Brandon Morse:

….. With the Roe v Wade draft decision leaked and the left getting up in arms over the fact that abortion may now be an issue from state to state, the Democrats have rediscovered the usefulness of the abortion debate and its ability to rally women to its cause. Just in time too, because the Democrats’ base was getting a bit anemic, and with all the mounting narratives that worked in favor of Republicans growing, a swift change of subject was necessary.

So, now it’s all about women’s rights, but you can’t proclaim to be a protector of women’s rights if your position is “women don’t exist.” Democrats are now required to drop the transgender community, in order to pick back up where they left off with being “the party of women.”

The transgender community is now out of vogue, just like the Asian community, just like Black Lives Matter, and just like every other cause or group the Democrat Party claimed was so important to America. Transgender people went from being the “backbone of our democracy” to being inconvenient in the span of a Politico report.

Thus, all the messaging and narrative driving of the transgender community since 2015 was dropped so that Democrats could adopt an old narrative that’s previously served it better. Perhaps the transgender community will once again come back into vogue, and Democrats will begin echoing its activists, but not right now. Right now, “women’s rights” are what’s getting the most movement from the base.

Anyone watching this should take note. Your group may one day grab the attention of the Democrats, and they may take you under its wing. You’ll be declared a victim and placed in the protective cocoon of the Democrat narrative machine. Your praises will be sung by media figures and politicians, and you’ll be a sacred cow to society that can’t be touched. You’ll feel important and even invincible.

But give it a minute. At some point, you’ll lose your usefulness. You might even become inconvenient and detrimental to the left. On that day the Democrat Party may forget you, turn its back on you, or maybe even curse you. In the blink of an eye, you’ll go from being the backbone of America to nothing. On that day, you’ll find out that they never really cared in the first place. You were just one more useful idiot.

Heck, they’ve not only dumped the transvestites, but they’ve also even revived that old favorite trope, the black male rapist, because some things are just too important to hold back on defending, by all means possible.

UPDATE: Of course, there are still some holdouts standing fast for their odd friends:. Happy Birthing Body Day!