Considering hiring a Harvard grad? You stand a very good chance of taking aboard an indoctrinated moron, incapable of rational thought. Of course, that’s no problem for government or university hires.

Poll: 93% of Harvard class of ‘22 are liberal, and 30% are hoplesss wokettes

A Harvard University student newspaper survey of graduating students found that only 6.4% of the people who responded were conservative-leaning after attending the private Ivy League institution.

The survey, conducted by The Crimson, was emailed to all 1,269 graduating seniors and drew a nearly 40% response rate. It found that 4% of graduates from the class of 2022 lean conservative, and 2.4% lean "very conservative." It also surveyed the students about what their politics were before attending Harvard and found that 7.1% of the graduating class identified as conservative before attending the college. Among the results:

*40.7% of the students identified as progressive after attending Harvard, compared to 44.7% prior to attending the college. 27.9% of graduating students identify as "very progressive," which is an increase from the 20.9% who said they were "very progressive" prior to attending the college.

While their indoctrinators weren’t entirely successful, increasing the number of far-left, :very progressive” students by a full third in just four years is still impressive.

It would be interesting to see the results broken down by the students’ majors.