Remind me again why we fund the UN?

of course, the problem may solve itself

North Korea to Chair UN Commission on Nuclear Disarmament

UN Watch’s Executive Director, Hillel Neuer had some pretty harsh words about North Korea acting as Chair.

“Having the North Korean regime of Kim Jong-un preside over global nuclear weapons disarmament will be like putting a serial rapist in charge of a women’s shelter,” said Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch, a Geneva-based non-governmental organization that monitors the United Nations.

“This is a country that threatens to attack other UN member states with missiles, and that commits atrocities against its own people. Torture and starvation are routine in North Korean political prison camps where an estimated 100,000 people are held in what is one of the world’s most dire human-rights situations,” said Neuer…

…“If the U.N. seeks to be an institution with a moral compass, it cannot allow the likes of North Korea to direct arms control agencies, and to keep electing the world’s worst abusers on its top human rights body,” said Neuer.

Some of the world’s most oppressive regimes sit on the UN’s Commission on Human Rights, the UN peacekeeping forces are primarily known for their rape, pillage and plundering expeditions in Africa, and the World Health Organization is run for the benefit of the CCP. So what are we doing there? More accurately, what is it doing here?