Banning handguns is the next, logical step, and they intend to take it

Biden’s attack on 9mm pistols is a harbinger of what’s to come, and that makes sense, from a gun-confiscation perspective, because murderers use pistols, not rifles, for their dirty work. We saw it it in Australia, we’re about to see it in Canada, and we’ll see at least an attempt to do it here. First, let’s look up north to see what Trudeau got up to this weekend:

Trudeau, fresh from his triumph over bouncy castles but still terrified of his fellow citizens, announced a bill to freeze handguns in place, banning their sale, transfer or importation. “Other than using firearms for sport shooting and hunting, there is no reason anyone in Canada should need guns in their everyday lives."

(Unless, of course, one can’t count on the police to protect you, but perhaps that’s a problem confined to the U.S.)

Some statistics from the government up north illustrating the extent of the “problem”.

And who’s doing what, to whom? These numbers should look familiar.

The same concentration of murders in the young, male, Indian and black population in Canada is also seen south of its border, although I haven’t seen numbers for the minuscule Native American population in our country.

There are no numbers given for Asians, probably because they represent such a tiny percentage of gun-toters, but we can note that whites in the U.S. die by gunfire at about the same low rate as Canadians. I suggest that we can look to who belongs to gangs down here, because these deaths are mostly happening between gang members and innocent bystanders in their neighborhoods.

And, again, we aren’t seeing much of a role for rifles in this carnage:

Here are statistics, compiled by the FBI, on weapon types used in homicides: Better to ban sticks, knives and fists than “assault rifles”

And circling back to a somewhat related post on the breakdown of civil order and the failure of the state to protect citizens, here’s another report of another smash and grab, from Los Angeles. I’m not suggesting that someone with an AR-15 should have mowed down these perps, though I wouldn’t have been upset if he had, but this admission of failure by the LAPD to respond in a timely manner is both typical and alarming. No, Joe, no Pierre, hunting kevlar-wrapped deer with .22 caliber pistols is not the only legitimate use for a gun.

The Los Angeles Police Department confirmed they received multiple calls for robberies at the Los Cerritos Center Saturday evening. Robberies first took place in a Forever 21 store before the assailants made their way to the Sephora, police said.

And arrived too late to stop it.