So, the question is, who IS running the country, and what do they want?
/PJ Media: Finally Revealed: The Real Reason for Biden's Fake Oval Office
Politico chose to wait until the twenty-fifth paragraph of a lengthy analysis of a potential Trump-Biden rematch in 2024 to reveal that one of those men can barely function unless he has a massive screen in front of him, from which he can, albeit with frequent difficulty, read the messages his handlers have prepared for him to give the world. Nor is that man the one whom Leftists love to hate and frequently mock for his inarticulateness. After intense and prolonged speculation, Politico finally confirmed Thursday why the White House constructed a fake Oval Office in the Executive Office Building, rather than host events in the actual Oval Office: the real thing is too small to accommodate the huge teleprompter Old Joe Biden requires in order to be seen saying anything even remotely coherent.
“[T]he White House has largely abandoned using the Oval Office for press events in part because it can’t be permanently equipped with a teleprompter; Biden aides prefer the fake White House stage built in the Old Executive Office Building next door for events, sacrificing some of the power of the historic backdrop in favor of an otherwise sterile room that was outfitted with an easily read teleprompter screen.”
If one really stops and thinks about this it is simply shocking. The primary job of any politician, but especially a president, is to communicate a vision of policy and competency to the American people and the people of the world.
We have a president today who is incapable of this most basic element of his job. And whatever unelected group of White House flunkies there are — who are actually the president — can’t trust him to even open his mouth unless he can stare at a teleprompter and mouth their insights like the weatherman.
Things have gotten so obvious and awkward of late that even when Biden does have his trusty large print screen scrolling his supposed ideas he can’t even push them out. His struggle with the word “kleptocracy” in recent remarks was just sad. And fine, he grew up with a stutter, but he’s been in the public spotlight since “The Godfather” was in movie theaters.
The darkest and most troubling possibility here, but one we must face, is that we functionally have no actual President of the United States. If he can’t appear in public, in his own office, for want of a digital cheat sheet, then of course he has little if anything to do with the actual running of the country.
Biden’s dementia was well known, of courses long before his election, but this is a scary reminder that on a weekend when someone down there is, we hope, scurrying around trying to anticipate Putin’s next move on Monday, Joe isn’t there with them — not mentally, anyway. So again, who’s got the conn?