Banned in Boston, and everywhere books are sold

And the full text of the ad:

Have you ever felt that your child has been harmed by the media they consume? As a parent or grandparent it is becoming increasingly difficult to find movies, music and books that promote classical virtues and strong morals. In a nutshell it is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain our children’s innocence in this digital world. 

We are a family media company dedicated to inspiring children to live virtuously. Every printed book, animated book and audio drama we make is directed to this end. We create wholesome content built upon three fundamental beliefs. If you don’t believe these, don’t sign up with us – we aren’t the publisher for you.

1) God exists and He is good. 

2) There is such a thing as right and wrong. 

3) The family is the backbone of society. 

We feel that modern media has forgotten these simple tenets of life and often seek to refute them. We pledge to NEVER publish anything that violates the above beliefs. 

We tell stories where good triumphs over evil and the hero saves the day. We publish fairy tales where dragons are slain. We publish classics with timeless lessons free from modern nonsense. We publish unforgettable stories that show virtue in action, so that children across the country can grow to be better reflections of their Creator. We hope you join the family and see for yourself.