And we certainly don't want to hurt a rapist's feelings


DISPATCHES FROM THE MINISTRY OF TRUTH: BBC altered victim’s quote so she didn’t misgender her alleged rapist.

Last September the ACLU posted a quote from the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg talking about gender equality. Only the ACLU had decided Ginsburg’s actual quote wasn’t quite woke enough for modern tastes so they replaced the pronouns and removed the word “woman.” Faced with such a fine display of wokeness and challenged to do better, the BBC responded, “hold our beer”.

The BBC changed the testimony of a rape victim after a debate over the pronouns of her transgender attacker, The Times has learnt.

The woman referred to her alleged rapist as “him” but insiders said that her words were changed to avoid “misgendering” the abuser in an article on the corporation’s website.

The BBC article replaced every reference to “he” or “him” with “they” or “them”. A source said the quote was the subject of heated debate prior to publication. Some journalists argued that the quote should remain intact, while others said it should reflect the trans woman’s preferred she/her pronouns.

Here’s the ACLU’s attempt, now dethroned as champion: