/The term as defined by Miriam/Webster: the act, process, or policy of achieving rigid and total coordination and uniformity (as in politics, culture, communication) by forcibly repressing or eliminating independence and freedom of thought, action, or expression : forced reduction to a common level : forced standardization or assimilation; brutal Gleichschaltung by police methods; the political Gleichschaltung of a reluctant adult population— Reinhard Bendix
More here, if you’re interested in its history and its use by the Nazis.
And its current use:
And this commentary hy Joel Abbott, editor of Not the Bee:
Notice in my headline that I have to say "trans" kid instead of "girl"? That's because we would be banned like Allie, like The Babylon Bee, and the Bee/NTB founder Adam Ford if we refered to this 14-year-old child by her proper identity. We are beholden to the rainbow sex cultists that demand conformance to their gods and swiftly punish any heresy.
Like Seth said, they are going to keep doing this – on every digital platform and physical space from your job to your supermarket to your church – and they won't stop until you've accepted the power and positions of their Woke Reich or you censor yourself.