She's no soccer mom, that's for sure

quit ya bitchin!

Woman soccer star Megan Rapinoe says girls should chill out, lie back, and enjoy the game.

Asked about efforts to keep boys from competing against girls, Rapinoe was adamant that such efforts be defeated:

“I think it's monstrous. I would also encourage everyone out there who is afraid someone's going to have an unfair advantage over their kid to really take a step back and think what are we actually talking about here. We're talking about people's lives. I'm sorry, your kid's high school volleyball team just isn't that important. It's not more important than any one kid's life."

The Washington Examiner has just one quibble:

Rapinoe, of course, ought to understand the importance of keeping the sexes separate but equal in this one crucial domain. A Title IX beneficiary herself, Rapinoe is now a multimillionaire World Cup and Olympic gold medalist, perhaps the most famous soccer star of either gender in the entire country. That would likely not be the case if biological men were allowed to steal women's spots. When Rapinoe led her professional team in a 2017 scrimmage against a Dallas boys team, the Texans — all younger than 15 — bested the team that would ultimately win the World Cup.

That’s right: she lost to boys under 15.