“It’s time"? There was never a time to wear them in the first place.


Hey NYC parents, it’s time to mouth off about nonsensical toddler mask mandates

New Yorkers, you’re worldly. You have friends in other cities, other countries. Ask them: Are you still masking 2- to 4-year- olds?

After they get over the shock that anyone would have ever masked 2- to 4-year-olds, ask them what they think about New York mandating it today. Tell them that until a few weeks ago, these same kids were forced to mask outdoors. It’s June 2022, and New York City has decided that all remaining COVID-19 mitigation burdens should rest only on the shoulders of one group: toddlers.

Your friends will ask: But why?

There is no answer. There has never been any science to suggest masking any children, much less small children, was a good idea. But for the kids learning language, learning how to read facial expressions, learning how to emote in the world, to still be masking when no one else has to, shows a deep disregard for children as a whole.

Tell your friends that your city has a good reason to continue to harm children with this masking and hear them laugh in your face. No other city, no other state, is force-masking toddlers. Most countries have never masked this age group whatsoever. New York is on an island of abject foolishness all on its own.

The idea that these kids must be masked because there is no vaccine for them is just plainly untrue. Children are uniquely not susceptible to COVID. We’ve known this for over two years. Instead of being grateful for this blessing, we’ve treated 2-year-olds as if they’re 80. If 2- to 4-year olds were dying of COVID at the same rate as older people, they would have been at the front of the vaccine line, not at the very back.

But the real question is: When will New Yorkers finally have had enough of the anti-science way their city fought the virus? When will they snap out of the conformist silence they’ve all sunk into, stand up and say “this is wrong.” Ask your friends, New Yorkers, ask them.

even a 96-year-old lady in frail health dares stand with an unmasked 4-year-old