The Sound of Whinging

not fit to wear their grandfathers’ lederhosen, alas

99 students helicoptered off Austrian alp after their teacher manages to get them all lost

Eight teachers and 99 students – ages 12 to 14-  were rescued late Tuesday via helicopter from the ridge by more than 60 people, including the local mayor, The Associated Press reported. The group from Ludwigshafen, Germany, was on a school trip and had followed an online map that described the trail as a “classic evening walk,” according to the AP.

After struggling with slippery conditions, one teacher decided to turn back as “not all students were wearing optimal footwear,” the AP reported.

Two students reportedly slipped and sustained minor injuries, forcing the teacher to call emergency services.

“Several students were exhausted, chilled, wet and completely distraught,” Vorarlberg police said in a statement Wednesday, according to the AP News. A crisis intervention team was brought in to help, the statement reportedly added.

Helicopters? A “crisis intervention team”? For wet stockings? Suck it up, Leisl. Pull on some dry socks, Friedrich.

But I’ll admit, 107 wet, lost sheep wandering around on a mountain must have indeed made for “a classic evening walk”. Hehehe.