Why do I continue reading the Post when I know I shouldn't? Because it keeps coming up with stories like this; I can't resist

should we point out that, if you plea bargain down to manslaughter and still get 30 years, you’ve probably done something very naughty?*

Incarcerated transgender impregnates two inmates at NJ prison

A transgender woman behind bars at a New Jersey women’s prison impregnated two fellow inmates, prompting officials to move her to a different facility, a report revealed Saturday.

Demi Minor, 27, was moved last month from the Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women to the Garden State Youth Correctional Facility — a prison for young adults in Burlington County, a New Jersey Department of Corrections spokesman told NJ.com.

Minor, who is serving a 30-year sentence for manslaughter, is in a vulnerable unit in the new facility where she is the only woman, the spokesman said.

And oh, the humanity!

Minor wrote in a blog post on the website Justice 4 Demi on July 15 that she was placed on suicide watch at the new facility “due to the fact that I had hung myself in the van.” She claimed guards denied her request to be strip-searched by a female DOC officer.

“[NJDOC] have violated my right to be safe and free from sexual harassment, by putting me in one of the most violent youth Correctional facilities,” Minor wrote. “While living here at GYSC, I have found my self (sic) under attack by young inmates who are immature and just plain ignorant towards a person like me.”

She said she was briefly transferred to New Jersey State Prison, where she “was called he and him well over 30 times,” adding, “this has not happened to me in years being referred to primarily as a man.”

You can read more of Demi’s cruel treatment here:

its clear that staff have looked for some kind of security reason to kick me out of the only female correctional facility, [gee, what was that reason?] they have thrown me to the wolfs

The fact that this prison does not have air, does not have cable does not allow video visits does not have and LGBT groups is mind blowing, yet they said that I am here for safety no please understand that I am here for punishment, just the sad part is this punishment may kill me. Mentally I have not been myself and I am losing my essence. The Demi, who wants to wear make-up and hangout with her friends is not permitted here. [OMG, that sounds like prison!] They have said that I can have my make-up but the truth is we know its a death wish, its literally going to cause more harassment. I have accepted that I am in a male facility but I have not accepted nor will I ever agree to or accept that I am anything other than a woman who happens to be transgender.

I pray that someone hears my voice I pray that punishment ends and that something takes place to stop this abuse, this was a horrible decision, I would have rather stayed in EMCF’s lock up than to have to endure this, I am not safe and would rather be a close custody inmate at EMCF than to stay here. They want to protect my safety….they said that I was removed for my safety….At what point does anyone truly consider my safety?

*Ah. Here it is: 30 year sentence, 25-year mandatory/minimum, manslaughter, carjacking, etc. Then caught dealing drugs in prison.

But wait, there’s more!

DEFENSE COUNSEL: Thank you Judge. Demetrius [sic] were you in Gloucester Township, Camden County, on April 29th, 2011?


DEFENSE COUNSEL: On that date did you come into contact with [names two women]?


DEFENSE COUNSEL: At the time you came in contact with them were they in their car; a Pontiac Grand Pre?


DEFENSE COUNSEL: And did you point a firearm? Was [names a woman] driving the vehicle?


DEFENSE COUNSEL: Did you point a handgun at [the woman driver]?


DEFENSE COUNSEL: Did you order the occupants of the vehicle out of the vehicle?


DEFENSE COUNSEL: And did you then get in the vehicle and drive it away?


DEFENSE COUNSEL: Was it your intention to return that vehicle at any point?


DEFENSE COUNSEL: So you were stealing the car; is that correct?


The trial judge asked defendant the following questions at the conclusion of defense counsel's interrogation

THE COURT: Mr. Minor, what type of handgun was it sir?


THE COURT: A [G]lock?


THE COURT: What millimeter sir; do you know?


THE COURT: A 45, big gun.


THE COURT: And you pointed that at this woman; is that correct sir?


THE COURT: And you took her car?


Defense counsel next questioned defendant concerning the charge of aggravated manslaughter under N.J.S.A. 2C:11-4a(1).

DEFENSE COUNSEL: Mr. Minor were you in Gloucester Township, Camden County on July 11th, 2011?


DEFENSE COUNSEL: On that date did you come into contact with [the victim]?


DEFENSE COUNSEL: And you knew [victim's name] from previous contact; is that correct?


DEFENSE COUNSEL: On that date, July 11th, did you stab [the victim] repeatedly with a knife?


DEFENSE COUNSEL: And would you agree that as a result of the injuries he sustained, he passed away, he died; is that correct?


DEFENSE COUNSEL: Would you agree that your conduct in stabbing [the victim] repeatedly demonstrated reckless disregard for - - for - - demonstrated, manifest extreme indifference for the value of human life?


As was the case concerning the carjacking offense, at the conclusion of defense counsel's interrogation the trial judge continued to question defendant about the facts of this particular offense

THE COURT: Mr. Minor what that means sir, is when you stabbed him, it didn't mean anything to you whether he lived or died;2 do you understand that sir, that's what he's asking you?


THE COURT: And that's what happened; is that correct sir?