When a man's gotta go, he's gotta go, and when an elderly French nudist decided that a beach masturbator had to go, he took matters into his own hands, and shot him dead

Boy, are their beach rules strict!

76-year-old shoots man who was seeking hands-on excitement by the shore

A man who allegedly performed a sex act in front of a woman on a nudist beach in France has been shot dead by a fellow beachgoer.

The 46-year-old exhibitionist was gunned down at 'La Mama' beach in the Grand parc Miribel-Jonage on the outskirts of Lyon around 10:30am local time on Saturday morning. 

The shooter, a 76-year-old nudist, reportedly took umbrage with the man who had shouted insults at the beachgoers and then began pleasuring himself while staring at another woman, according to French police.

After the two men got into an argument and the 46-year-old refused to take the discussion elsewhere, the elderly bather drew a hunting rifle from his pack and fired 'at least three shots', one of which hit his target in the chest.

France3 later reported the shooter was an avid hunter who had a firearm licence, though it was unclear why he had taken the gun to the beach. 

(Morning challenge: Did I miss any double entendres here? Feel free to toss a cream pie into the comments section. Perhaps, “Die, you pervert!”, he ejaculated, as he pulled the trigger.)